林建平.地方本科院校应用写作教学存在的问题及对策[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(8):69-72 |
地方本科院校应用写作教学存在的问题及对策 |
Problems and Countermeasures of Applied Writing Teaching in Local Universities |
投稿时间:2017-03-15 修订日期:2017-04-18 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.08.015 |
中文关键词: 地方本科院校 应用写作教学 问题与对策 |
英文关键词: Local Undergraduate Colleges and universities applied writing teaching problems and Countermeasures |
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摘要点击次数: 1359 |
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中文摘要: |
随着部分地方普通本科高校向应用型转变,高校开始将应用写作作为公共必修课进行开设,但应用写作的现实情况并不乐观。本文从管理与教学方面探讨地方本科院校应用写作学科存在的问题,并以注重顶层设计、打造品牌、选择教材等角度提出对策。 |
英文摘要: |
As part of the application changes in local undergraduate colleges and universities,it began to make writing as a compulsory course among colleges and universities.But the actual situation is not optimistic.This paper probes into the problems of Applied Writing in local colleges and universities from the aspects of management and teaching,and puts forward some countermeasures from the aspects of the top-level design,the creation of the brand and the selection of teaching materials. |
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