The Research of Teachers’ Observation and Evaluation Differences of Young Children from Different Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge Teaching Level ——Taking Mathematics Education as an Example
投稿时间:2017-02-27  修订日期:2017-04-14
中文关键词: 幼儿园教师  数学学科教学知识  观察评价行为
英文关键词: Kindergarten teacher  Mathematics pedagogical knowledge  The behavior of observation and evaluation
杨洛娜 (铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校贵州铜仁 554300) 
摘要点击次数: 1781
全文下载次数: 1170
      This research compares the differences of young children’s observation and evaluation from the teachers with different mathematics pedagogical content knowledge teaching level on the basis of mathematics.By using the classroom observation,special designed interview questionnaire,etc,this paper analysis the their targets achievements,teachers’ meticulosity,and teaching accuracy and teaching methods varity to study the teachers knowledge level with different mathematics pedagogical content.The study found that,the overall level of kindergartend teachers’ observation is low,teachers have old fashion teaching ideas,and also are in the situation of lack of observation methods.Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge level is the main element which can influent the teachers observation and evaluation level.The Observation and Evaluation of Children with teachers that in high pedagogical content knowledge group are superior to the teachers in the middle group and the low score group.Influenced by the mathematics knowledge,kindergarten teachers’ observation and evaluation has different degrees; The research suggested that normal university should enhance the professional cultivation of teaching knowledge,teaching methodology and improving the knowledge level of teachers by adding correlated curriculums.The paper also suggested to help students set up the system evaluation,help teachers master several evaluation methods,increase the support of teaching evaluation in the kindergarten,offer more opportunity of post-profession training.
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