龚 泉.“新时代”背景下幼儿园高结构性教材编制的有效性[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(7):127-132
A Study on Effectiveness of Preschool High Structural Textbook Compilation in the Context of "New Era"
投稿时间:2017-03-29  修订日期:2017-04-09
中文关键词: 幼儿园教材  教材编制的有效性  核心素养  互联网平台  课程架构
英文关键词: preschool textbook  textbook compilation  core literacy  the Internet platform  curriculum structure
龚 泉 (温州大学教师教育学院学前教育系浙江温州 325035) 
摘要点击次数: 1694
全文下载次数: 1202
      The preschool high structural textbook is an explicit manifestation of preschool curriculum,which is convenient and widely used.The effectiveness of its compilation will be directly related to the acquisition path of early childhood experience.It will affect the deduction of the curriculum concept and the implementation of the curriculum framework on the Internet "new era" context.Therefore,this research compares and analyses with Nvivo on the effective elements of the mature textbooks,which can help the compilers to extract the elements of dimension more accurately and comprehensively,such as the content attribute,the architectural attributes and the pedagogical attribute.This will hold the “core literacy” of young children.Based on the Internet,it will establish and improve generated and interactive platform of curriculum resource for the high structural textbooks.It also forms the curriculum structure of "concentric circle" in the textbook clues,and provide suggestions for the effectiveness of preschool high structural textbook compilation in the context of "New Era".
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