Analysis of the Subjective Influencial Factors of Children’s Dining Behavior in Family
投稿时间:2017-02-13  修订日期:2017-04-09
中文关键词: 幼儿  进餐行为  主体性  家庭  结构方程
英文关键词: children  eating behavior  subjectivity  family  structural equation model
基金项目:浙江省教育厅一般科研项目 (Y201533185);浙江省高等教育课堂教学改革项目(kg20160374)
陈旭微 (温州大学教师教育学院浙江温州 325035) 
摘要点击次数: 1838
全文下载次数: 1703
      In order to understand the relationships among family factors on the subjectivity of children’s dining behavior (referred to as "the subjectivity"),304 parents with 3- 6 years old children are surveyed in the structural equation model.It is found that parents’ nutrition education behavior has a significant and direct impact on the subjectivity (the influence value is 0.670); parents’ attitude and evaluation on children’s dining behavior has directly or indirectly effects (the total influence value is 0.710); nutrition knowledge,attitude and behavior of parents indirectly generate the total influence value of 0.533 by three ways.Three predictor variables can explain 76% variation of the subjectivity.It shows that family members in children’s life are important supporters to help children develop healthy dining behavior,but the real power of forming the subjectivity is children themselves.Others cannot play an active role on the subjectivity unless their external impacts are based on the children’s physiological and psychological needs,and they can be transferred into children's intrinsic mental structure.
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