欧美燕,苏 琴.幼儿教师使命感对工作投入的影响:组织工具性的中介作用[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(4):103-106 |
幼儿教师使命感对工作投入的影响:组织工具性的中介作用 |
The Influence of Kindergarten Teachers’ Sense of Calling on Their Job Involvement: Organizational Instrumentality as a Mediator |
投稿时间:2017-12-21 修订日期:2016-12-31 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.04.022 |
中文关键词: 幼儿教师 工作使命感 工作投入 组织工具性 |
英文关键词: kindergarten teacher sense of calling job involvement organizational instrumentality |
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摘要点击次数: 1904 |
全文下载次数: 904 |
中文摘要: |
幼儿教师工作使命感对提高教育工作的实效性,增强幼儿教师自身的职业幸福感具有十分积极的影响。本研究采用CVQ问卷、组织工具性问卷和工作投入问卷对广州、佛山和中山共31所幼儿园的305名幼儿教师进行问卷调查。分析结果表明,幼儿教师的工作使命感可以显著地正向预测她们的工作投入度,且组织工具性起着部分中介的作用。 |
英文摘要: |
Kindergarten teachers’ sense of calling has a very positive effect on the improvement of their working efficiency as well as their own happiness gain from work. In this research, 305 kindergarten teachers from 31 different kindergartens in Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhongshan are investigated with Calling and Vocation Questionnaire, Organizational Instrumentality Questionnaire and UWES-9 scale. The data shows that the sense of calling of kindergarten teachers can positively predict their job involvement, and organizational instrumentality plays a part of the intermediary role. |
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