韩秋红.戴望舒在萧红研究中缺失缘由探析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(3):81-84 |
戴望舒在萧红研究中缺失缘由探析 |
A Study on the Reasons of the Lack of Study about Dai Wangshu in Xiao Hong's Research |
投稿时间:2016-10-24 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.03.018 |
中文关键词: 戴望舒 萧红 交谊 |
英文关键词: Dai Wangshu Xiao Hong Friendship |
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摘要点击次数: 1772 |
全文下载次数: 895 |
中文摘要: |
戴望舒和萧红都是著名作家。戴望舒与萧红的交集,不仅仅是编辑与作者之间的来往,也有朋友之间的私交,以及在人格魅力上的相互欣赏,相互尊重,相互信任。但在萧红研究里,戴望舒似乎是一个可有可无的人物,关于戴望舒的资料看来是故意舍弃了。本文意从戴望舒在香港向萧红与端木约稿、戴望舒与萧红在香港的交谊、戴望舒在萧红研究中缺失缘由三个方面加以探讨。 |
英文摘要: |
Dai Wangshu and Xiao Hong are famous writers. The interaction between Dai Wangshu and Xiao Hong is not just editor and authors’ contact,but also good friendship. Both of them has the personality charm on mutual appreciation,mutual respect,and mutual trust. But in the Xiao Hong’s research works,Dai Wangshu seems to be an unessential character and the information about Dai Wangshu seems to be deliberately abandoned. This paper will discuss three aspects of the reasons. |
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