王 怡.县域幼儿教师培训的困境及对策分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(1):116-119 |
县域幼儿教师培训的困境及对策分析 |
Analysis on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of County Kindergarten Teachers Training |
投稿时间:2016-10-12 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.01.025 |
中文关键词: 幼儿教师 培训困境 策略分析 |
英文关键词: kindergarten teachers training dilemma strategy analysis |
基金项目:陕西省教育厅项目(2013JK0415) |
摘要点击次数: 2352 |
全文下载次数: 1511 |
中文摘要: |
工学矛盾突出、补偿性学习需求强烈、专业支持服务较弱、外部专业力量介入不足都是当前县域幼儿教师培训工作中普遍存在的难题。县域幼儿教师培训困境的症结就在于:对学前教育正确理念的漠视与偏失、基层研修队伍的匮乏与失衡、培训软硬件资源的不足与浪费以及基层培训体制的刚性与僵化。县域学前教育事业的健康发展,需要重视对幼儿教师培训的顶层设计与分类指导,重视基层研修网络及团队建设,重视多方面培训力量的汇聚,全面推进幼儿教师培训模式的改革与创新。 |
英文摘要: |
Prominent contradiction between teachers’ working and learning, a strong demand of compensatory study, lacking of professional support services and external professional intervention are problems commonly exist in the current county kindergarten teachers’ training. The crux of the county kindergarten teachers’ training dilemma lies in their ignorance and deviation of the correct philosophy of kindergarten education, the lack and imbalance of grass-roots research team, insufficiency and the waste of training hardware and software resources and rigidity and fossilization of grass-roots training system. The sound development of county kindergarten education requires us to attach great importance to the top-level design and classification guidance of kindergarten teachers’ training, grass-roots research network and team building, and the convergence of training forces in many aspects, promoting reform and innovation of kindergarten teachers’ training mode comprehensively. |
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