A Controlled Study of AR Picture Book and Paper Picture Book Reading for 5-6 Year Old Children
投稿时间:2024-09-13  修订日期:2024-11-03
中文关键词: AR绘本  纸质绘本  阅读效果  阅读心流体验  选择偏好  
英文关键词: AR picture books  paper picture books  reading effect  reading mind flow experience  choice preference  
吴蕾 上海市静安区洛川路幼儿园 200072
马鹰* 宁波大学 教师教育学院 315211
摘要点击次数: 51
全文下载次数: 0
      Ninety children aged 5-6 without AR picture book reading experience in L kindergarten in S city were selected as research subjects and divided into AR picture book experimental group and paper picture book control group, using AR picture book and paper picture book as research tools, using experimental method and interview method for data collection, to find out whether there is any difference between AR picture book and paper picture book reading for 5-6 year old children in terms of the reading effect, the experience of reading mind flow and the preference of picture book selection. . The results showed that AR picture books significantly improved the reading effect of young children, specifically, the story retelling and reading comprehension scores of AR picture books were higher than those of paper picture books; AR picture books enriched young children's reading mind-flow experience more than paper picture books, and there was a significant correlation between the reading mind-flow experience of young children and the reading effect of young children; in addition, the number of young children who chose AR picture books as their preferred choice was significantly higher than that of paper picture books, which indicated that AR picture books were more popular among 5-6 year old children. In addition, the number of children who preferred AR picture books was significantly higher than that of paper picture books, indicating that AR picture books were more popular among 5-6 year old children.
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