Study on the Current Situation of Parental Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Childcare Services for Infants and Toddlers Aged 0-3—An Empirical Analysis Based on 1880 Parents in Chizhou City, Anhui Province
投稿时间:2024-06-05  修订日期:2024-07-19
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 09. 012
中文关键词: 0-3岁婴幼儿  托育服务  家长满意度  实证研究
英文关键词: infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years  childcare services  parent satisfaction  empirical study
基金项目:安徽省教育科学研究重点项目(JKZ21005);安徽省高校优秀拔尖人才培育项目(gxyq2022114);安徽省高校科学研究重点项目(2024AH052889); 社科规划青年项目(AHSKQ2019D031);池州学院科学研究重点项目(CZ2021RWZ15)
吴慧娴,刘志峰,谭甲文,程春玲,朱小泉 (1.池州学院艺术与教育学院安徽池州 2470002.浙江师范大学教师教育学院浙江金华 321000 3.池州市直幼儿教育集团安徽池州 2470004.巢湖学院教师教育学院安徽巢湖 238000) 
摘要点击次数: 225
全文下载次数: 76
      Childcare service is an important project to guarantee and improve people’s livelihood, which is related to children’s growth, family harmony and national future in China. Taking 1880 parents of infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years in Chizhou City, Anhui Province as the research object, the study examines the current situation of parents’ satisfaction with childcare services and explores the influencing factors of parents’ satisfaction with childcare services. The results show that: the overall satisfaction level of parents with childcare services is high, and the satisfaction level of each dimension is not balanced enough; parental satisfaction with childcare services is influenced by relevant variables in the family background and in the childcare institutions. The multiple linear regression model further revealed that parents’ demand for childcare services, teachers’ professional background, mothers’ education, the type of childcare institutions and the content of childcare services significantly predicted parents’ satisfaction with childcare services. The main recommendations are: to pay dynamic attention to parents’ evaluations of childcare services on different dimensions in order to provide an effective reference for the development of quality childcare services; to emphasize the multidimensional influencing factors of parents’ satisfaction with childcare services in order to narrow the gap between parents’ perceptions and their expectations of services.
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