黄佩珊,龚梦婷,梁爽,蔡黎曼.教育戏剧何以促进幼儿认知发展 ——基于对22个幼儿园教育戏剧活动的观察编码[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(9):39-47 |
教育戏剧何以促进幼儿认知发展 ——基于对22个幼儿园教育戏剧活动的观察编码 |
Promotion of Drama in Education on Children’s Cognitive Development ― A Study Based on Observation and Coding of 22 Activities |
投稿时间:2024-06-25 修订日期:2024-07-21 |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 09. 006 |
中文关键词: 教育戏剧 认知发展 幼儿园 课堂互动评估系统 |
英文关键词: Drama in Education cognitive development kindergarten CLASS |
基金项目::广东省社科规划常规项目(GD22CJY03);东莞职业技术学院科研处课题(2023d13) |
摘要点击次数: 201 |
全文下载次数: 102 |
中文摘要: |
教育戏剧是一种通过戏剧技巧来调动学习者全身心参与来探讨相关议题的教学方式,其环节与幼儿的认知过程息息相关。本研究旨在探讨幼儿园教育戏剧活动如何促进幼儿认知发展,使用混合方法,基于课堂互动评估系统中的认知发展框架(包括分析和推理、创造力的挖掘、融会贯通、与现实生活相联系4类策略),对22个教育戏剧活动进行认知发展策略和幼儿认知水平的编码。结果发现,教育戏剧更擅长于通过分析和推理、创造力的挖掘的策略来支持幼儿分析、应用和创造层次的高水平认知反应,但在融会贯通、与现实生活相联系这两个策略的使用非常少且存在无效使用的情况。基于此,应充分认识并发挥教育戏剧借助虚构情境、身体叙事、角色扮演、情节创作的元素促进幼儿认知发展的优势,在戏剧教学设计上则应有意识地整合幼儿的课程经验,迁移和应用幼儿所获知识和技能。 |
英文摘要: |
Drama in education (DIE) is a teaching method that uses dramatic strategies to mobilize learners’ full participation in exploring relevant topics. It is closely related to children’s cognitive development. The current study aims at exploring the way kindergarten DIE activities promoting children’s cognitive development by adopting mixed-methods approach. Within the systematic framework of the cognitive developmental dimension of the Classroom Interaction Assessment System (CLASS,including analysis and reasoning,creating,integration,and connections to the real world),22 DIE activities were observed,coded,and analyzed. The results reveal that DIE excels in supporting children’s high-level cognitive responses,particularly analysis,application,and creation,through analysis and reasoning and creating. However,the use of integration and connections to the real world is minimal and occasionally ineffective. Consequently,it is imperative to fully recognize and leverage the advantages of DIE in fostering children’s cognitive development through the use of fictional scenarios,embodied narratives,role-playing,and plot creation. In designing DIE,educators should consciously integrate children’s curriculum experiences,fostering the transfer and application of acquired knowledge and skills. |
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