Exploring Thai Preschool Children’s Attitudes and Experiencesin Chinese Language Learning through Metaphor Analysis
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 09. 001
中文关键词: 泰国早期儿童  汉语学习态度  隐喻研究  诱导性隐喻分析
英文关键词: early children in Thailand  Chinese learning attitude  metaphor research  inductive metaphor analysis
江玉晶,胡晓艳,周兢 (1.华东师范大学教育学部上海 2000622.江苏师范大学教育科学学院江苏徐州 221116) 
摘要点击次数: 177
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      汉语热”助推泰国汉语学习者向低龄化发展,然而很少有研究关注泰国早期儿童学汉语的喜好和感受。本文选取汉语学习态度变量,采用诱导性隐喻分析(EMA)方法调查 256 名泰国曼谷市早期儿童对汉语学习的经验和偏好,以期发现泰国学前儿童汉语学习的倾向性,揭示早期汉语学习的认知本质。研究发现:泰国曼谷市早期儿童喜欢学汉语,愿意学汉语,表现积极态度及倾向性;同时,早期汉语学习经验受泰国文化影响,呈现本土特征。本研究结果可以为泰国汉语教育政策制度、教材编写和师资培训提供参考。
      “Chinese fever”has promoted the development of Chinese learners in Thailand towards a younger age. Few studies have paid attention to the preferences and feelings of early Thai children in learning Chinese. This study selected Chinese learning attitude variables,and used EMA(Elicited Metaphor Analysis)method to investigate the experiences and preferences of 256 early children in Bangkok,Thailand,on Chinese learning,in order to discover the tendencies of Thai preschool children in Chinese learning and re⁃ veal the cognitive nature of early Chinese learning. It is found that preschool children in Bangkok,Thailand,like to learn Chinese, are willing to learn Chinese,and show a positive attitude and tendency; At the same time,the early Chinese learning experience is in⁃ fluenced by Thai culture and shows local characteristics; The results of this study provide references for the Chinese education policy system,textbook compilation and teacher training in Thailand.
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