A Review and Prospect of Language-Related Research on KindergartenTeachers in China
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 08. 010
中文关键词: :幼儿园教师  教师语言  CiteSpace  文献计量研究
英文关键词: Kindergarten teachers  teacher language  CiteSpace  literature measurement research
周俊男,臧运芳,路雨婷 (天津师范大学教育学部天津300387) 
摘要点击次数: 290
全文下载次数: 891
      :教师语言是师幼互动的重要媒介,教师运用准确、生动、富有情感的语言,可以激发幼儿的学习兴趣和积极性,促进师 幼之间的有效互动。为厘清我国幼儿园教师语言相关研究进展,选取中国知网2014-2023 年幼儿园教师语言相关研究,利 用CiteSpace 计量软件和内容分析法从文献信息、研究热点、研究方法、研究对象四个方面展开研究。结果表明:研究数量 增加缓慢,高质量文献较少;研究内容范围广泛,研究焦点不均衡;实证研究数量较少,研究方法多元化;研究对象涉及全 面,个别类型较匮乏。主要建议:应加强高校与幼儿园合作;拓展研究视野并提升研究深度;提高对实证研究的重视程度; 增加对不同类型幼儿园教师语言的关注。
      Teachers’language is an important medium for teacher-child interaction. The use of accurate,vivid,and emotional lan⁃ guage by teachers can stimulate young children’s interest and enthusiasm for learning and thereby promoting effective interaction be⁃ tween teachers and children. In order to clarify the research progress related to kindergarten teachers’language in China,this study se⁃ lects the research from CNKI spanning from 2014 to 2023,and examined these researches from four aspects of literature information, research hotspots,research methodology,and research subjects,through CiteSpace metrics software and content analysis methods. The results indicate that: the number of studies is increasing slowly with a limited amount of high-quality literature; the research scope is wide-ranging,and the focus is uneven; the number of empirical studies is relatively few,though the research methods are diversi⁃ fied; the research object involves a comprehensive approach,and the individual types are scarce. It is recommended that future re⁃ searches should strengthen the cooperation between universities and kindergartens; expand the research horizons and enhance the depth of research; increase the emphasis on empirical research; and pay more attention to the language of different types of kindergar⁃ ten teachers.
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