Creating a“Sense of Place”:The Emotional Geographical Logic of RuralPreschool Teacher Team Construction
投稿时间:2024-05-27  修订日期:2024-06-03
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 08. 009
中文关键词: :地方感  乡村教师队伍  地方依赖  地方依恋  地方认同
英文关键词: sense of place  rural teachers  local dependence  local attachment  local identity
骆娅利,陈晓彤,李旭 (贵州师范大学教育学院贵州贵阳550025) 
摘要点击次数: 280
全文下载次数: 316
      :地方感是乡村幼儿园教师“引得来、留得住、教得好”的重要保障。从地方认同、地方依恋以及地方依赖三个维度构建 地方感的分析框架,对H 县15 名乡村幼儿园教师进行调查分析,结果表明:乡村幼儿园教师与地方之间缺乏情感联结,呈 现出淡薄的地方感,主要表现为:乡土归属感不足、乡村文化认同感缺失、乡土疏离感强烈、乡村教育热情淡化。地方感作 为乡村幼儿园教师扎根乡村教育与厚植乡村教育情怀的根基,其重塑需要有效发挥各方合力,即培养积极个体空间,深化 乡村幼儿园教师的地方认同;营造和谐环境空间,增进乡村幼儿园教师的地方依恋;建立健全政策空间,形塑乡村幼儿园 教师的地方依赖。
      Abstract:The sense of place is an important guarantee for rural preschool teachers to“be attracted,retain and teach well”. The analy⁃ sis framework of the sense of place was constructed from the three dimensions of local identity,local attachment and local dependence. The investigation and analysis of 15 rural preschool teachers in H County showed that there was a lack of emotional connection between teachers and the place and a weak sense of place,which was mainly manifested as the lack of local belonging,the lack of rural cultur⁃ al identity,the strong sense of rural alienation,and the fading enthusiasm for rural education. As the foundation for rural preschool teachers to take root in rural education and deepen the feelings of rural education,the reconstruction of the sense of place needs to ef⁃ fectively exert the joint efforts of all parties,that is,cultivating positive individual space and deepening the local identity of rural pre⁃ school teachers; Building a harmonious environment to enhance the rural preschool teachers’place attachment; Establishing and per⁃ fecting policy to shape the local dependence of rural preschool teachers.
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