Research on Impact of Theme Education of Emotional Picture Books on theEmotional Competence of Young Children in the Transitional Stage
投稿时间:2024-06-06  修订日期:2024-06-26
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 08. 008
中文关键词: :幼小衔接  情绪绘本  主题教育  情绪能力
英文关键词: transition from kindergarten to primary school  emotional picture book  theme education  emotional competence
刘俊 (福建幼儿师范高等专科学校福建福州350007) 
摘要点击次数: 254
全文下载次数: 565
      :为探讨绘本为载体的情绪主题教育活动能否促进幼儿情绪能力发展和幼小衔接,选取两个班共78 名幼儿为研究对 象,随机分成实验班和对照班,对实验班幼儿进行绘本主题教育活动。采用《幼儿情绪发展状况调查问卷》对实验班和对 照班幼儿进行情绪能力前测、中测和追踪测量。结果表明:实验班幼儿的情绪能力总分在中测和追踪测中显著高于对照 班,此外,实验班在中测和追踪测中的情绪能力总分显著递增,对照班前、中、追踪三次测试的情绪能力总分没有显著差 异。表明绘本主题教育活动能够提升幼儿情绪能力,促进幼儿在幼小衔接过程中的平稳过渡。
      Abstract:In order to explore whether the emotion-themed education activities with picture books as the carrier can promote the devel⁃ opment of children’s emotional competence and the transition from kindergarten to primary school,78 children in two classes were se⁃ lected as the research objects and randomly divided into experimental class and control class,and the children in the experimental class were given picture-book themed education activities. The pre-test,mid-test and follow-up test were conducted on the emotional ability of children in the experimental class and the control class by using the Child Emotion Development Questionnaire. The results showed that the total score of emotional competence in the experimental class was significantly higher than that in the control class in the mid-test and follow-up test. In addition,the total score of emotional competence in the experimental class increased significantly in the mid-test and follow-up test,and there was no significant difference in the total score of emotional competence in the control class in the pre-test,mid-test and follow-up test. It can be seen that the emotion-themed education activities with picture books as the carrier can enhance the emotional competence of young children,and promote the smooth transition of children from kindergarten to primary school.
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