谢庆斌,林思婷,郑文雨,陈思溢,蔡鑫,杨琼.4 岁儿童认知灵活性对社会适应问题的影响:同伴关系的调节作用[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(8):46-51
4 岁儿童认知灵活性对社会适应问题的影响:同伴关系的调节作用
The Effect of Cognitive Flexibility on Social Adjustment Problems in 4-Year-Old Children: The Moderating Role of Peer Relationship
投稿时间:2024-05-30  修订日期:2024-06-17
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 08. 007
中文关键词: :认知灵活性  社会适应  同伴关系  执行功能
英文关键词: cognitive flexibility  social adjustment  peer relation  executive function
谢庆斌,林思婷,郑文雨,陈思溢,蔡鑫,杨琼 (1. 福建师范大学教育学院福建福州3501172. 西安文理学院学前教育学院陕西西安710065) 
摘要点击次数: 301
全文下载次数: 711
      :为考察4 岁儿童同伴关系在认知灵活性与社会适应之间的调节作用,采用维度变化卡片分类任务、社会能力与行为 量表、同伴提名法对162 名儿童进行测查。结果发现:儿童认知灵活性与内化问题显著负相关,同伴拒绝与外化问题显著 正相关;儿童同伴接纳调节认知灵活性对内化问题的作用,当儿童同伴接纳标准分小于0.13 时,认知灵活性对儿童的内化 问题有负向预测作用,且随着同伴接纳水平的提高,认知灵活性的作用减少。因此,儿童同伴接纳调节认知灵活性对内化 问题的影响,对于高同伴接纳的儿童,认知灵活性对儿童内化问题的抑制作用不再显著。
      Abstract:To investigate the moderating effect of peer relations between cognitive flexibility and social adjustment in 4-year-old chil⁃ dren,162 children were tested by Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task,Social Competence and Behavior Scale and Peer Nomina⁃ tion. Results showed that: children’s cognitive flexibility was significantly and negatively related to internalizing problems,and peer re⁃ jection was significantly and positively related to externalizing problems; Children’s peer acceptance moderated the role of cognitive flexibility on internalizing problems,and cognitive flexibility had a negative predictive effect on children’s internalizing problems when children’s peer acceptance criterion score was less than 0.13,and the role of cognitive flexibility was diminished as the level of peer ac⁃ ceptance increased. In summary,children’s peer acceptance moderated the effect of cognitive flexibility on internalizing problem,and the inhibitory effect of cognitive flexibility on children’s internalizing problems was no longer significant for children with high peer ac⁃ ceptance.
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