An Action Research on Parent-child Interaction Optimization Strategies in Parent-child Reading for Infants and Toddlers Aged 0-3 Years Old
DOI:10.11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 07. 001
中文关键词: 0-3 岁婴幼儿  亲子阅读  亲子互动  行动研究
英文关键词: Infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years old  parent-child reading  parent-child interaction  action study
申晓梅,王雪晴,张小华 (盐城幼儿师范高等专科学校江苏盐城 224005) 
摘要点击次数: 521
全文下载次数: 772
      基于 0-3 岁婴幼儿亲子阅读互动现状调查发现的家长互动经验缺乏、形式单一等问题,开展“计划—行动—观察—反思—再计划”三轮亲子阅读互动循环提升的行动研究。实践表明,创设情境多元互动、拓展经验促成互动、审美体验美化互动是提升阅读互动质量的有效策略;家长对婴幼儿身心发展特点和教育规律的认知、对美的鉴赏与表达能力是影响互动策略实施的重要因素;专家的精心指导和及时评价、家庭间的作品展示和体会交流是营造阅读互动氛围提升互动效果的良好举措。建议家长自主学习、积极实践、主动交流来推进有效互动策略的实施。
      Based on the problems such as lack of experience and single form of parent-child interaction found in the survey on the cur⁃ rent situation of parent-child reading interaction among infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years old,an action research on the improve⁃ ment of parent-child reading interaction cycle in three rounds of“plan-action-observation-reflection-re-plan”is conducted. Practice shows that creating multiple interactions,expanding experience to facilitate interaction,and beautifying interaction with aesthetic ex⁃ perience are effective strategies to improve the quality of reading interaction; parents’cognition of the characteristics of physical and mental development of infants and toddlers and the law of education,and their ability to appreciate and express beauty are important factors affecting implementation of interaction strategies; experts’careful guidance and timely evaluation,display of works and the ex⁃ change of experience among families are good measures to create an atmosphere of reading interaction and improve the effect of interac⁃ tion. It is suggested that parents conduct independent learning,social cooperation and foster communication with other parents to pro⁃ mote the implementation of effective interaction strategies.
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