Research on the Current Status and Needs of Kindergarten Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills in Inclusive Education—Based on Questionnaire Survey Data of Kindergarten Teachers in Hangzhou
投稿时间:2024-03-08  修订日期:2024-04-29
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 06. 007
中文关键词: 幼儿园教师  融合教育  知识技能现状  需求
英文关键词: kindergarten teacher  inclusive education  current status of knowledge and skills  needs
李鹏,黄洁,王盈盈,张帆,俞念 (1.浙江特殊教育职业学院浙江杭州 3100002.杭州市西湖区教育发展研究院浙江杭州 310000) 
摘要点击次数: 313
全文下载次数: 365
      Using the self-developed questionnaire, a survey was conducted on 2241 kindergarten teachers in Hangzhou to explore the current status and needs of their knowledge and skills in inclusive education. The results showed that both professional backgrounds and attitudes toward integration have a significant effect on the knowledge and skill levels of kindergarten teachers in inclusive education, and their attitudes towards integration can significantly positively predict their knowledge and skill levels in inclusive education; There is a consistency in the need for knowledge and skills of inclusive education among kindergarten teachers, but their needs could be affected by the types and quantities of special children encountered. Based on this, four suggestions were put forward to promote the development of pre-school inclusive education in China: optimizing the teacher structure and reasonably increasing the proportion of kindergarten teachers with professional backgrounds in special education; cultivating the concept of inclusive education and gradually establishing positive attitudes towards inclusive education among kindergarten teachers; highlighting the practical orientation and accurately augmenting the repertories of knowledge and skills of inclusive education for kindergarten teachers; jointly building a cooperative platform and setting up a network to support the development of kindergarten teachers by carrying out some typical case studies.
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