李中良.0-4岁婴幼儿IToM测量范式的偏失与匡正[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(6):32-40 |
0-4岁婴幼儿IToM测量范式的偏失与匡正 |
Deviation and Correction of IToM Measurement Paradigm for InfantsAged 0-4 years |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 06. 004 |
中文关键词: 内隐心理理论 外显心理理论 错误-信念任务 测量 |
英文关键词: implicit theory of mind explicit theory of mind false-belief task measurement |
基金项目:山东省社会科学规划青年项目(23DZXJ03) |
摘要点击次数: 183 |
全文下载次数: 157 |
中文摘要: |
不同于先准确清晰界定概念、结构而后开发测验的逻辑,IToM是根据一系列间接读心测量任务而提出,这种测量先行的逻辑自提出以来便遭受合理性质疑。IToM测量可以分成VoE、AL和IB三类范式。它们存在合理性有待辩护、效度有待检验、量化差异鉴别能力有待开发、生态效度有待增强、实验结果解释有待排除竞争假设五种困境。困境的改善可依赖于以下对策: 开发IToM等距量表并以此为基确证IToM测量范式的效度; 增强IToM测量范式的真实性;通过完善IToM测量范式排除竞争假设,并以此辩护IToM的合理性。 |
英文摘要: |
Different from the logic of first defining the concept and structure accurately and clearly and then developing the test,IToM is based on a series of indirect mindreading measurement tasks,and this measurement-advancement logic has been questioned since it was proposed. IToM measurement can be divided into VoE,AL and IB paradigms. They have five dilemmas: rationality to be defended,validity to be tested,quantitative difference identification to be developed,ecological validity to be enhanced,and interpretation of experimental results to be excluded from competing hypotheses. The improvement of the dilemma can depend on the following countermeasures: Develop IToM isometric scale and confirm the validity of IToM measurement paradigm on this basis; Enhance the authenticity of IToM measurement paradigm; By improving the IToM measurement paradigm,the competition hypothesis is excluded and the rationality of IToM is defended. |
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