韩金霞,张根健,冯硕,王亚丽.家园网络沟通对家庭教育指导成效的影响——父亲卷入的中介作用[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(6):1-10 |
家园网络沟通对家庭教育指导成效的影响——父亲卷入的中介作用 |
The Effect of Home-Kindergarten Network Interaction on the Effectiveness of Family Education Guidance:The Mediating Role of Fathers’ Involvement |
投稿时间:2024-03-02 修订日期:2024-04-10 |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 06. 001 |
中文关键词: 家园网络沟通 家庭教育指导成效 父亲卷入 中介作用 |
英文关键词: interaction of home-kindergarten network family education guidance results fathers’involvement intermediary effect |
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中文摘要: |
以符号互动论为理论基础,基于 21665 份问卷调查,运用结构方程模型探讨家园网络沟通、父亲卷入与家庭教育指导成效之间的关系。结果表明:“符号在场”的家园网络沟通对家庭教育指导成效具有较强的预测功能,其中适用性影响力最大,而交互性影响最小,丰富性和可视化则具有负向预测功能;父亲卷入在家园网络沟通与家庭教育指导成效之间起到部分中介作用。 为此,家园网络沟通的“符号在场”与传统的“具身在场”应兼容并蓄,父亲卷入的“主体自觉”与“外在机制”应双向协同,家庭教育指导的“意义驱动”和“情知交融”应相辅相成。 |
英文摘要: |
Grounded in Symbolic Interaction Theory,structural equation modeling was applied to explore the relationship between home-kindergarten network interaction,fathers’involvement,and the results of family education guidance based on 21,665 question⁃ naires. The results showed that the“symbolic presence”of home-kindergarten network interaction had a strong predictive function on the home education guidance results,with applicability having the greatest influence,interactivity having the least,and richness and vi⁃ sualization having a negative predictive function;Father’s involvement played a partial mediating in the relationship between home-kindergarten network interaction and the results of home education guidance. For this reason,the“symbolic presence”and traditional “embodied presence”of home -kindergarten network interaction should be compatible,the“subjective self-awareness”and the“exter⁃ nal mechanism”of fathers’involvement should be mutually coordinated,and the“meaning-driven”and“affective-intelligent”as⁃ pects of family education guidance should be complementary to each other. |
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