林晖燕.幼儿园区域游戏课程生发策略探索[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(5):113-116 |
幼儿园区域游戏课程生发策略探索 |
Exploration of Generation and Development Strategies for Regional GameCourses in Kindergartens |
投稿时间:2024-03-21 修订日期:2024-04-11 |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 05. 014 |
中文关键词: 区域游戏 课程生发 教育策略 |
英文关键词: regional games course Generation and Development educational strategy |
基金项目:福建省教育科学“十四五”规划2022 年度课题(FJJKXQ22-049) |
摘要点击次数: 266 |
全文下载次数: 309 |
中文摘要: |
游戏课程生长之径;适时支架助力,探寻区域游戏课程发展之策。 |
英文摘要: |
The reform of regional game curriculum in kindergartens in the new era should correctly handle the relationship between
games,curriculum,and children’s learning and development,using games as the source of curriculum generation and relying on cur⁃
riculum to promote children's learning and development. This paper gives main educational strategy recommendations as:adhering to
a child centered approach and exploring the sources of regional game curriculum generation; exploring the growth path of regional game
courses based on children's issues; and timely having support practice to explore development strategies for regional gaming courses. |
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