The Influence on Parental Stress of Inter-generational Parenting in Two-childFamilies under the Background of“Fewer Children”
投稿时间:2024-02-12  修订日期:2024-03-26
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 05. 011
中文关键词: 隔代养育  二孩家庭  祖辈参与幼儿教养程度  祖辈-父辈共同养育关系  父辈教养压力
英文关键词: inter-generational parenting  degree of grandparents’participation in child-rearing  grandparent-parent co-parenting re⁃lationship  parental stress
基金项目:2022 年度‘我为建设新福建献良策’(统一战线专项)课题(JAT22051)
王超,张旖馨 (福建幼儿师范高等专科学校学前教育学院福建福州350007) 
摘要点击次数: 377
全文下载次数: 630
      为揭示隔代养育与父辈教养压力的关系,探索减轻生育压力的策略,解决生育问题及应对少子化趋势,在家庭系统 理论指导下构建了参与教养程度、共同养育关系及教养压力效应的分析框架,并基于样本调查数据,考察了二孩家庭隔代 养育对父辈教养压力的影响效应。研究结果表明:祖辈的过度介入可能加剧父辈的教养负担;祖辈与父辈间良好的合作 关系有助于缓解教养压力;祖辈过度参与及支持可能导致亲子关系的不协调。基于此,提出以下建议:父辈应主动提高与 幼儿的互动质量;祖辈与父辈需建立共识,共同营造和谐的教养环境;(3)政府应协同幼儿园及社区,为祖辈教养提供科学 指导。
      In order to reveal the relationship between inter-generational parenting and parental pressure,explore strategies to reduce reproductive pressure,solve fertility problems and cope with the trend of fewer children,under the guidance of family system theory, an analytical framework was constructed to analyze the degree of participation in parenting,co-parenting relationship and parenting pressure effect. Based on sample survey data,the influence of inter-generational parenting of two-child families on parental pressure was investigated. The results show that:The grandparents’excessive involvement may aggravate the parents’parenting burden;A good cooperative relationship between grandparents and parents helps relieve the pressure of parenting;Excessive involvement and sup⁃ port by grandparents may lead to discordance of parent-child relationship. Based on this,the following suggestions are put forward: Parents should take the initiative to improve the quality of interaction with children;Grandparents and parents need to establish a con⁃ sensus and jointly create a harmonious child-rearing environment; The government should work with kindergartens and communities to provide scientific guidance on child-rearing for grandparents.
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