黄俊霖,苏 丹,麻慧群.我国民族学前教育研究的历史嬗变、学术理路及未来进路——基于1993-2023年文本分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(4):28-36
The Historical Evolution, Academic Path, and Future Approaches of Research on Ethnic Preschool Education in China—Based on Text Analysis from 1993 to 2023
投稿时间:2023-12-20  修订日期:2024-03-11
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 04. 004
中文关键词: 学术理路  民族儿童发展  学前教育  主题分析法
英文关键词: academic path  ethnic early child development  preschool education  theme analysis method
黄俊霖,苏 丹,麻慧群 (1.中央民族大学教育学院北京 1000812.广西财经学院人事处广西南宁 530003
贵州铜仁 554300) 
摘要点击次数: 286
全文下载次数: 369
      An in-depth exploration of the research system of ethnic preschool education has important value implications for building a high-quality education system and promoting ethnic exchange and integration. By using the thematic coding analysis of texts on ethnic preschool education research of CNKI from 1993 to 2023, it is found that, from a historical perspective, research on ethnic preschool education in China has gone through a period of initial exploration, characteristic development, and comprehensive deepening, presenting a systematic evolution pattern of “starting-developing-deepening”; From a synchronic perspective, research academic logic follows the unity of foreign experience introduction and local practical problem research, the unity of comprehensive human development and spatial coordinated development research, and the unity of ethnic and local characteristics and Chinese cultural research. Looking back at the past, there are still varying degrees of problems in research on ethnic preschool education such as insufficient interdisciplinary collaboration, lack of theoretical construction, and weak guidance in conclusions. Looking ahead to the future, the possible approaches for research on ethnic preschool education include: the first one is to deepen research in multiple disciplines, constructing the theoretical ontology of ethnic preschool education; the second is to carry out standardized field investigations, focusing on condensing empirical achievements on contemporary issues; the third is to highlight the awareness of contemporary issues, focusing on high-quality research output and experience transfer.
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