“Farming”Strengthens Bodies,“Reading”Nourishes Minds—Practice and Exploration of Farming and Reading Education in UrumqiSouth Road Kindergarten in Xuhui District of Shanghai
投稿时间:2023-12-24  修订日期:2023-12-25
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 014
中文关键词: 城市幼儿园  耕读教育  实践探索
英文关键词: urban kindergarten  farming education  practical exploration
张春颖 (上海市徐汇区乌鲁木齐南路幼儿园上海 200031) 
摘要点击次数: 369
全文下载次数: 253
      在新的历史时期,我国幼儿园应积极贯彻党中央国务院的工作部署,深入开展耕读教育并持续完善耕读教育体系。以上 海市徐汇区乌鲁木齐南路幼儿园的实践探索为例,主张构建“知农事、养雅趣、敬自然、善思维、明道德”的城市幼儿园耕读教育 模式,积极引导幼儿感知时令物候的奇妙变化,品味中华传统诗词的文化内涵,共享人类生命的丰富美好,感受农耕技术的智 慧衍变,分享传承中华民族美德。
      In the new historical period,kindergartens in China should deeply carry out farming and reading education and continuous⁃ ly improve the farming and reading education system,in order to actively implement the work deployment of the Party Central Commit⁃ tee and the State Council. Taking the practical exploration of Urumqi South Road Kindergarten in Xuhui District of Shanghai as an ex⁃ ample,this paper advocates the construction of an urban kindergarten farming and reading education model that "Knowing Agricul⁃ ture,Nurturing Elegance and Interest,Respecting Nature,Having Good Thinking,and Understanding Morality". It actively guides young children to perceive the wonderful changes in seasonal phenology,taste the cultural connotations of traditional Chinese poetry, share the rich and beautiful beauty of human life,feel the intelligent evolution of agricultural technology,and share and inherit the vir⁃ tues of the Chinese nation.
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