An Analysis of the Supply-Demand Matching of Supporting Policies forNursery Service Institutions in the Era of Fewer Children—Based on Kano Model
投稿时间:2023-12-28  修订日期:2024-01-15
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 013
中文关键词: 托育服务  托育机构  政策需求  Kano模型
英文关键词: childcare service  nursery service institution  policy demand  Kano model
陈芳,刘艳 (1.南京邮电大学人口研究院江苏南京 2100422.江苏省卫生健康发展研究中心江苏南京 210003) 
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      少子化时代托位总量不足与空置率较高并存的现状倒逼托育服务机构支持政策持续优化。基于X市的调查、利用Kano 模型分析了托育服务机构支持政策的供需状况。研究发现:现有各项支持政策的实际享受率均不高;主要的12项支持政策对 机构而言均不是必备型政策,机构发展最重要的制约因素是“招生难”,希望政府能加大托育宣传;机构对各项支持政策仍然有 需求,尤其是房租减免政策。托育服务机构支持政策的完善策略应重点考虑:提高现有支持政策有效性,树立行业信心;鼓励 探索需求型支持政策,培育消费市场;建立用房支持长效机制,降低运营成本。
      The coexistence of insufficient total number of nursery position and high vacancy rate in the era of fewer children forced the continuous optimization of the supporting policies for nursery service institutions. Based on the survey of X city,Kano model is used to analyze the supply and demand of supporting policies for nursery service institutions. The results show that: The actual enjoyment rate of the existing supporting policies is not high; The 12 major supporting policies are not necessary policies for institutions. The most im⁃ portant restricting factor for the development of institutions is“difficulty in enrolling kids”,and they hope the government will give more support in publicity; There is still demand for various support policies,especially rent reduction policies. Therefore,the improve⁃ ment strategies for childcare service institutions should focus on: improving the effectiveness of existing supporting policies to build in⁃ dustry confidence; encouraging the exploration of demand-oriented supporting policies to cultivate the consumer market; establishing a long-term mechanism for housing support to reduce operating costs.
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