Research on Spatio-temporal Evolution of Balanced Allocation of PreschoolEducation Resources in China—An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Data from 2014 to 2022
投稿时间:2024-01-02  修订日期:2024-01-07
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 012
中文关键词: 区域学前教育  资源配置  时空结构  均衡发展
英文关键词: regional preschool education  resource allocation  space-time structure  balanced development
谷峥霖,陈曦妮,甘颂甜 (1.云南师范大学教育学部云南昆明 6505002.云南师范大学体育学院云南昆明 650500) 
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      为了实现后普及时代区域学前教育优质、均衡及协调发展,通过实测2014~2022年全国时序数据和省级面板数据,对我 国31省区学前教育资源配置综合水平的变化态势及空间差异演变格局进行分析。研究发现:全国31省域学前教育资源配置 综合指数均呈线性增长趋势,均有不同程度的递增态势且增长趋势有显著差异;多数省域学前教育资源配置的空间格局呈现 短期变动的态势;区域间学前资源配置差异状态虽整体呈现空间收敛态势,但整体呈失衡态势,集聚度相对较高且存在显著差 异。因此,基于“水平-状态”交融互动的二元视角,在优化区域学前教育资源配置过程中,区域各级政府应增加学前教育资源 的供给量,在提升区域支持学前教育发展条件的同时,创新学前普惠性发展体制并改善学前教育资源配置状态。
      In order to realize the high-quality,balanced and coordinated development of regional preschool education in the post-pop⁃ ularization era,the change trend and spatial difference evolution pattern of the comprehensive level of preschool education resources allocation in 31 provinces and regions of China were analyzed based on the national timing data and provincial panel data from 2014 to 2022. The results showed that the comprehensive index of preschool education resources allocation in 31 provinces showed a linear growth trend,with varying degrees of increasing trend and significant differences in the growth trend. The spatial pattern of preschool education resources allocation in most provinces showed a short-term change. Although the difference state of preschool resource allo⁃ cation between regions showed a spatial convergence trend,the overall trend was unbalanced,and the concentration degree was rela⁃ tively high and there were significant differences. Therefore,based on the dual perspective of“level - state”integration and interac⁃ tion,in the process of optimizing the allocation of regional preschool education resources,regional governments at all levels should in⁃ crease the supply of preschool education resources,innovate the inclusive development system of preschool education and improve the allocation of preschool education resources while improving regional conditions for supporting the development of preschool education.
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