The Influence of The Talent Training Mode for Preschool Education Majorsin Ethnic Minority Areas on Students’Employment Intention:The MediatingRole of Professional Identity
投稿时间:2023-12-29  修订日期:2024-01-24
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 011
中文关键词: 民族地区  学前教育专业  人才培养模式  就业意向  专业认同
英文关键词: ethnic minority areas  preschool education professional  talent training mode  employment intention  professional identity
王雯璐,闵兰斌 (新疆师范大学教育科学学院新疆乌鲁木齐 830017) 
摘要点击次数: 378
全文下载次数: 322
      对新疆维吾尔自治区20所中高等院校学前教育专业的4124名学生进行调查,探求民族地区院校学前教育专业人才培养 模式与学生就业意向的关系及专业认同在其中的中介作用机制。结果表明:人才培养模式和专业认同对学生就业意向具有正 向预测作用;专业认同发挥部分中介作用且在院校层次和类型变量上存在差异,各维度发挥的中介效应有所不同。主要教育 建议:明确就业定位与培养规格是民族地区院校学前教育专业提升人才培养质量的核心路径,增强专业适切性与情感性是民 族地区院校学前教育专业开展专业认同教育的关键抓手,健全社会保障与培养体系是激发民族地区院校学前教育专业学生就 业意愿的有力支撑。
      The study investigated 4124 students of preschool education major in 20 middle and higher education institutions in Xinji⁃ ang Uygur Autonomous Region to explore the relationship between the training mode of preschool education professionals and the em⁃ ployment intention of students in ethnic minority areas and the mediating mechanism of professional identity. The results show that tal⁃ ent training model and professional identity have positive predictive effect on students' employment intention. Professional identity plays a partial mediating role,and there are differences in the level and type variables of colleges and universities,and the mediating effect of each dimension is different. In view of this,it is proposed the following education enlightenment:clear employment orienta⁃ tion and training specifications are the core path for preschool education majors in ethnic minority areas to improve the quality of talent training; Enhancing professional appropriateness and sensibility is the key to carry out professional identity education for preschool ed⁃ ucation majors in ethnic minority areas; Improving the social security and training system is a strong support for stimulating the employ⁃ ment willingness of preschool education majors in ethnic minority areas.
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