The Effect of Positive Humor Style on Teacher-Child Interaction Qualityamong Kindergarten Teachers:The Mediating Role of Emotional Labor
投稿时间:2023-12-26  修订日期:2024-01-02
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 009
中文关键词: 积极型幽默风格  师幼互动质量  情绪劳动  幼儿教师
英文关键词: positive humor style  teacher-child interaction quality  emotional labor  kindergarten teacher
王少杰,吴伯驹 (广东第二师范学院教育学院广东广州 510303) 
摘要点击次数: 449
全文下载次数: 450
      为探讨幼儿教师积极型幽默风格与师幼互动质量的关系,考查情绪劳动在积极型幽默风格与师幼互动质量间的中介作 用,采用方便抽样法,在广州市11所幼儿园,采用相关量表进行调查。研究发现,幼儿教师积极型幽默风格处于中高水平,采 用深层扮演策略频率较高,师幼互动质量处于中高水平;积极幽默风格正向预测师幼互动质量;深层扮演策略在幼儿教师积极 型幽默风格与师幼互动质量间起中介作用。幼儿教师应强化幽默风格培养,深化情绪劳动价值认知,持续提升师幼互动质量; 幼儿园应提供相应支持与培训。
      This study was aimed to explore the relationship between positive humor style of kindergarten teachers and the quality of teacher-child interactions,and to examine the mediating role of emotional labor between positive humor style and the quality of teach⁃ er-child interactions. The study was conducted in 11 kindergartens in Guangzhou City using a convenience sampling method with rele⁃ vant scales. The results show that the positive humor style of kindergarten teachers is at a medium to high level; The frequency of using deep acting strategies is relatively high; The quality of teacher-child interaction is at a medium to high level; Positive humor style posi⁃ tively predicts the quality of teacher-child interactions; Deep acting strategy plays an intermediary role between kindergarten teachers’ positive humor style and the quality of teacher-child interactions. Therefore,kindergarten teachers should strengthen the cultivation of humorous styles,deepen their understanding of the value of emotional labor,and continue to improve the quality of teacher-child inter⁃ action; kindergartens should provide corresponding support and training.
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