The Influence of Work Connectivity Behavior After-hour on Kindergarten Teachers’ Work Stress: The Mediating Role of Work-life Conflict and the Moderating Role of Authorized Staff Status
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 02. 007
中文关键词: 幼儿园教师  非工作时间连通行为  工作压力  工作-生活冲突  编制身份
英文关键词: kindergarten teacher  work connectivity behavior after-hour  work stress  work-life conflict  authorized staff status
乐星宇 (宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校鹤琴学前教育学院浙江宁波 315336) 
摘要点击次数: 424
全文下载次数: 571
      In order to explore the relationship between work connectivity behavior after-hour and kindergarten teachers’ work stress and its internal mechanism, a total of 244 kindergarten teachers were selected from three cities in Zhejiang Province, they were assessed with the Work Connectivity Behavior After-hours Scale, Teacher Work Stress Scale, Work-Life Conflict Scale. The results showed that there was the significant positive correlation between work connectivity behavior after-hour and kindergarten teachers’ work stress; work-life conflict played the mediating role between work connectivity behavior after-hour and kindergarten teachers’ work stress; authorized staff status could moderate the relationship between work connectivity behavior after-hour and kindergarten teachers’ work stress. Therefore, kindergarten administrators should draw the work-life boundary for kindergarten teachers and give them the right to “go offline”, reasonably allocate work tasks to avoid identity bias, and clarify the professional position of kindergarten teachers and return to education itself.
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