The Potential of ChatGPT in Early Childhood Education: A Study on Supporting Prospective Teachers in Teaching Activity Plans Design
投稿时间:2023-12-17  修订日期:2023-12-25
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 02. 004
中文关键词: ChatGPT  学前教育  职前幼儿园教师  活动设计  学前课程
英文关键词: ChatGPT  early childhood education  prospective preschool teachers  teaching activity design  preschool curriculum
胡南,裴元 (1. 华东师范大学教育学部上海 2000622. 爱丁堡大学莫雷教育与体育学院爱丁堡 EH8 8AQ) 
摘要点击次数: 548
全文下载次数: 367
      ChatGPT的问题导向生成能力与幼儿园教师以儿童为本生成活动的能力相似,使职前幼儿园教师专业发展的机遇和风险并存。采用混合研究方法,探讨职前幼儿教师对同一个教学目标下教科书活动案例和ChatGPT生成的活动的质量评估。研究发现:1)ChatGPT生成的活动在目标契合度和主体体验方面获得较高评价,但在实施可行性和语言表达方面受到质疑;2)ChatGPT 具有支持职前幼儿园教师创建活动设计的能力,其所生成的活动质量在总体上得到了认可并且教师的主观建构能力也在对其质量评价中得以体现;3)为了最大程度发挥ChatGPT支持职前幼儿园教师创设活动计划的潜力,未来职前幼儿园教师教育应走向“问学”和教学实践的有机结合。
      The similarity between ChatGPT’s problem-oriented generative abilities and early childhood teachers’ child-centred generation of curriculum allows for both opportunities and risks in the professional development of prospective early childhood education teachers. Using a mixed-method research approach,this study explored prospective early childhood education teachers’ assessment of the quality of textbook activity examples and ChatGPT-generated activities with the same instructional goals. The study found that 1) ChatGPT-generated activities received high ratings in terms of goals fit and subjective experience,but were questioned in terms of implementation feasibility and linguistic expression; 2) ChatGPT has the ability to support prospective teachers in creating activity plans because the quality of the activities it generates is recognised in general and the evaluation of the quality reflects a certain amount of subjective constructiveness on the part of the teacher; 3) In order to maximise the potential of ChatGPT to support prospective teachers in creating activity plans,future prospective early childhood education teacher education should move towards an organic combination of “Inquiry Learning” and teaching practice.
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