The Development History and Enlightenment of the Concept of Kindergarten Educational Environment Creation in Japan—Based on the Five Revisions of View Directions of Preschool Education in Japan
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 01. 007
中文关键词: 日本  幼儿园教育环境  发展历程
英文关键词: Japan  kindergarten educational environment  development history
赵东群,胡金莹 (1.洛阳师范学院学前教育学院河南洛阳 4719342.浙江师范大学儿童发展与教育学院浙江杭州 311231) 
摘要点击次数: 476
全文下载次数: 1171
      Environment is universally recognized as a primary concern that any country needs to face in carrying out early childhood education. In Japan, “environment” holds a special position in the field of early childhood education. The national-level guidelines for kindergarten education, known as the “View Directions of Preschool Education” have undergone five revisions since their inception in 1956. Throughout these revisions, the central theme of “what kind of environment kindergartens should provide” has consistently played a significant role, it is revealed that the development of kindergarten educational environment creation in Japan has progressed through various stages. It has evolved from an initial emphasis on “activity-centered creation” to a phase focused on “education through environmental means, further to the “centering on the ecosystem of early childhood education” phase, and ultimately to the “fostering child subjectivity” phase. In view of this, the creation of kindergarten environment in China should start from the perspective of the child’s overall life context to establish a comprehensive kindergarten educational environment; It should focus on fostering children’s spontaneity and subjectivity as the core of creating an environment to support effective learning and development; It should be based on the essential characteristics of early childhood, emphasizing providing outdoor activity environments; The balance between children’s subjectivity and teachers’ educational intention should be realized in environment creation.
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