陈晓彤,李旭.家长言行对幼儿劳动价值观的影响 ——基于农村大班幼儿的NVivo分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(1):26-33
家长言行对幼儿劳动价值观的影响 ——基于农村大班幼儿的NVivo分析
The Influence of Parents’ Words and Actions on Children’s Labor Values—Based on the NVivo analysis of rural preschool kindergarten children
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 01. 004
中文关键词: 家庭劳动教育  农村大班幼儿  劳动价值观  家长言行
英文关键词: family labor education  rural preschool kindergarten  labor value  parents’ words and actions
陈晓彤,李旭 (贵州师范大学教育学院贵州贵阳 550025) 
摘要点击次数: 518
全文下载次数: 525
      Using NVivo qualitative research software, this study examined the impact of family education on young children’s labor value by using 24 rural preschoolers as the research subjects. The study found that parents’negative words and actions, as well as their prejudice against labor, are the main factors that affect young children’s labor values, which can lead to negative labor attitudes in children. Based on this, it is suggested that parents should establish a correct labor view, combine ‘internal and external forces’, encourage children to actively participate in family work, shape positive perception of labor in children through positive words, and cultivate good labor behavior in children.
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