Effects of Family Socioeconomic Status on Family Support and SocialCompetence of Preschool Children—A Study Based on a Sample of Fathers of Preschool Children
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 01. 002
中文关键词: 家庭社会经济地位  家庭支持  学前儿童  社会能力
英文关键词: family socioeconomic status  family support  preschool children  social competence
袁昊杰,岳亚平,赵一霏,雷佳媛 (1东北师范大学教育学部吉林长春 1300242河南大学教育学部河南开封 475004) 
摘要点击次数: 548
全文下载次数: 1019
      家庭是学前儿童最早接触的核心微观环境系统,家庭社会经济地位及家庭中父亲为学前儿童提供的教育、心理、生活、游戏支持深刻影响着学前儿童的社会能力。对河南省 629 位学前儿童父亲展开问卷调查,研究发现:父亲家庭支持和儿童的社会能力均处于中等水平;家庭社会经济地位、家庭内部支持与学前儿童的社会能力三者之间存在显著的正相关;Bootstrap 法检验表明,家庭内部支持在家庭社会经济地位与学前儿童社会能力之间存在显著的中介效应。因此,为提升学前儿童的社会能力,应提升对学前儿童父亲的社会支持,增强父亲的育儿意识与能力;优化父亲对儿童家庭支持的结构,为幼儿提供适宜的家庭支持;构建家、园、社协同育儿共同体,塑造幼儿发展的良好生态圈。
      Family is the earliest core micro-environmental system that preschool children are first exposed to,and the family’s socio⁃ economic status and the educational,psychological,life,and play support provided by fathers in the family profoundly affect pre⁃ school children’s social competence. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 629 fathers of preschool children in Henan Province. The results show that: Fathers’family support and children’s social competence are at a medium level; there is a significant positive correlation between family socioeconomic status,family support,and preschool children’s social competence; The Bootstrap test shows that there is a significant mediating effect between family’s socioeconomic status and preschool children’s social competence. Therefore,in order to improve the social competence of preschool children,it’s necessary to enhance the social support for fathers ofpreschool children and enhance the awareness and ability of fathers in parenting,optimize the structure of fathers’family support for their children and provide appropriate family support for young children,and build a collaborative parenting community among home, garden,and society,so as to shape a good ecosystem for young children’s development.
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