The Primary Evaluation on Digital Teaching Resources in STEM Education in Kindergartens —Based on the Perspective of Kindergarten Teachers
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 10. 003
中文关键词: 数字化教学资源  幼儿园STEM教育  应用评价
英文关键词: digital teaching resource  STEM education in kindergartens  application evaluation
赵陵波,黄媛婷,管琳,苏文亮 1.福州大学人文社会科学学院福建福州 3501082.福建幼儿师范高等专科学校学前教育学院福建福州 350007 
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      To explore how digital teaching resources can better serve the actual teaching of STEM education in kindergartens,a certain digital teaching resource was used as an example to be applied in a pilot kindergarten,and a study on the application effects were conducted through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers. The questionnaire results showed that digital teaching resources take an advantageous position over traditional teaching method. Based on the interview results,those advantages mainly include meeting aesthetic needs,facilitating education and teaching,using scientific and systematic design,meeting the interest points of teaching objects,paying attention to learning in activity,improving teaching effect,as well as having dynamic situationality,strong teaching interaction and contents in line with teaching needs. However,such resources also have limitations such as insufficient flexibility and applicability,inconvenient use of supporting operation materials,insufficient transitional expansion teaching links,unoptimized interactive interface,and not close enough to life. This study put forward a usability evaluation system of digital teaching resources for STEM education in kindergarten,and proposed corresponding suggestions for preschool teachers on how to better select and apply such resources.
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