何宇璐 ,李溪言 ,王艳芝.实习质量与学前专业本科生从教选择意愿的关系研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2023,39(1):86-95
A Study on the Relationship Between the Quality of Internship and the Willingness of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Preschool Education to Choose to Become Teachers
投稿时间:2022-10-23  修订日期:2022-11-01
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 01. 012
中文关键词: 学前专业  本科实习生  实习质量  从教选择意愿
英文关键词: preschool education major  undergraduate intern  quality of internship  willingness to choose to become a teacher
何宇璐 ,李溪言 ,王艳芝 1.河北师范大学学前教育系河北石家庄 0500242.河北师范大学教育学院河北石家庄 050024 
摘要点击次数: 729
全文下载次数: 381
      研究与提升学前专业本科生从教选择意愿对学前专业本科毕业生对口就业、缓解我国幼教师资匮乏具有重要价值。采用《师范生教育实习学习质量调查问卷》和《教师职业选择影响因素量表》探究实习质量与学前专业本科生从教选择意愿的现状及关系,分析原因并提出改进建议。结果表明:实习质量中,实习生行为投入水平最低;幼儿园位置与性质影响教师指导、环境指导以及实习生行为投入水平;从教选择意愿中,从教动机水平最低;实习时长影响内在职业价值感、职业回报认识、职业选择满意度;反思与成长是影响从教选择意愿的个人内在因素;实习目标是影响从教选择意愿的外在核心因素。主要建议:探索有效路径,提高实习生行为投入水平;完善幼儿园遴选机制,加强实习基地管理;强化个人效用价值,提升从教动机;保证实习时长;实习过程中应特别关注实习生的反思与成长;贯彻并强化实习目标,提升实习生从教选择意愿。 关键词: 学前专业;本科实习生;实习质量;从教选择意愿
      It is of great value to study and improve the willingness of undergraduate students majoring in preschool education to choose to become teachers for the counterpart employment of them and alleviating the shortage of preschool teachers in China. The Questionnaire on the Learning Quality of Normal Students’ Education Practice and the Scale of Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Career Choice were used in this research to explore the status quo and relationship between the quality of internship and the willingness of undergraduate interns majoring in preschool education to choose to become teachers, after that the reasons were analyzed and suggestions for improvement were put forward. The results show that the level of behavioral involvement is the lowest among the quality of internship; the location and nature of kindergartens affect teachers’ guidance, environmental guidance and interns’ behavioral involvement; the teaching motivation is the lowest among the willingness to choose to become teachers; the length of internship affects the internal career value perception, the recognition of career rewards, and the satisfaction with career choice; introspection and growth is the internal factor at the individual level that affects the interns’ willingness to choose to become teachers; the objective of the internship is the external core factor that affects the interns’ willingness to choose to become teachers. In the future, we should explore effective ways to improve the level of interns’ behavioral involvement; optimize the selection mechanism of kindergartens and strengthen the management of practice bases; enhance the value of personal utility and promote the teaching motivation; ensure the length of practice; pay special attention to the interns’ reflection and growth during the internship; implement and strengthen the objective of internship, and enhance the willingness of interns to choose to become teachers.
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