熊 伟.新时代幼儿园文化建设导论[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(9):33-44
Introduction to Kindergarten Culture Construction in the New Era
投稿时间:2022-06-18  修订日期:2022-07-23
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 09. 005
中文关键词: 人文化成  幼儿园文化  专业保育与教育文化  蒙以养正  储为国器
英文关键词: human beings creating and inheriting culture and cultivating qualified members of society with it  kindergarten culture  professional care and education culture  correct education implementation for children  talents cultivation and reserve for the country
基金项目:陕西学前师范学院高校-学园课研协作战略合作项目(陕师院研〔2021〕25 号)
熊 伟 (陕西学前师范学院学报编辑部陕西西安 710061) 
摘要点击次数: 617
全文下载次数: 1247
      幼儿园文化建设是指在特定专业保育和教育时空中构建“人文化成”生态系统的过程,是幼儿园事业的重要组成部分。 在新的时期,各幼儿园应积极营建幼儿园专业保育与教育文化空间,大力促进幼儿传承优秀传统文化,重视规范幼儿社会性发 展,初步培育幼儿崇高精神追求,致力构建高质量、有特色“人文化成”系统。应优先建设幼儿园总体文化系统,探索建设幼儿 园群体亚文化系统,重点建设幼儿园特色文化系统,合力塑造有较强文化领导力与影响力的园本保育和教育品牌。
      The construction of kindergarten culture is a process of building a ecosystem with“human beings creating and inheriting cul⁃ ture and cultivating qualified members of society with it”in the time and space of care and education in a specific specialty, and it is an important part of the kindergarten cause. kindergartens in the new era should actively build the kindergarten professional conserva⁃ tion and education cultural space, vigorously promote children to inherit excellent traditional culture, pay attention to standardizing children’s social development, initially cultivate children’s noble spiritual pursuit, and be committed to building high-quality and dis⁃ tinctive system with“human beings creating and inheriting culture and cultivating qualified members of society with it”. Kindergartens should give priority to the construction of the overall cultural system of kindergartens, explore the construction of the sub-cultural sys⁃ tem of kindergartens, focus on the construction of the distinctive cultural system of kindergartens, and forge kindergarten-based care and education brand with stronger leadership and influence.
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