伍思琪,曹晓君,姜美茹 ,唐冬梅.4-6岁头胎儿童家庭规则与同胞关系质量的相关分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(8):47-53
Correlation Analysis of Family Ritual and Sibling Relationship Quality in Firstborn Children Aged 4-6
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 08. 007
中文关键词: 头胎儿童  家庭规则  同胞关系质量
英文关键词: Firstborn children  family ritual  sibling relationship quality
基金项目:四川省农村幼儿教育研究中心项目 (NYJ20210611);宜宾学院乡村教育发展专项课题(XCJY2020B07)
伍思琪,曹晓君,姜美茹 ,唐冬梅 (1.西昌学院教师教育学院四川西昌 6150002.西华师范大学教育学院四川南充 637000 3.邛崃市西街小学四川邛崃 611530 4.宜宾学院教育学部四川宜宾 644000) 
摘要点击次数: 495
全文下载次数: 468
      In this study, 150 Firstborn children in 5 kindergartens in southwest China were selected to analyze the correlation of all dimensions of family ritual and the sibling relationship quality by using the family ritual questionnaire and sibling relationship quality questionnaire. The results found that the age difference of about 4 to 6 years may be an important interval for the quality of the relationship between the first child and the second child; The quality of sibling relationship is different between first-born children and second-born children in terms of gender consistency, and the first-born and second-born children with gender consistency have better quality of sibling relationship; There is a significant positive correlation between family rules and sibling relationship quality, and family rules positively predict the sibling relationship quality of the firstborn child. Therefore, three educational suggestions are put forward: pay attention to the age difference and gender difference, promote the direct communication between siblings; pay attention to first child when discussing the family plan, give timely intervention; build good family rules, improve the relationship quality between first child and other children.
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