但菲,周晨晨.工作特征影响幼儿园教师离职倾向的JD-R 模型建构[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(7):99-109
工作特征影响幼儿园教师离职倾向的JD-R 模型建构
Construction of JD-R Model on the Influence of Job Characteristics onTurnover Intention of Kindergarten Teachers—A Meta-analysis Based on CMA2.0 Tool
投稿时间:2022-05-05  修订日期:2022-05-21
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 07. 013
中文关键词: 幼儿园教师  离职倾向  JD-R 模型  Meta 分析
英文关键词: kindergarten teachers  turnover tendency  JD-R model  Meta analysis
但菲,周晨晨 (沈阳师范大学学前与初等教育学院辽宁沈阳110034) 
摘要点击次数: 518
全文下载次数: 459
      良好的师资队伍建设是保障我国学前教育质量的重要工程,而各地幼儿园教师居高不下的离职率体现出当前学前师资 队伍稳定性差、结构性低、联结性弱等问题。为提前预防、有序消减幼儿园教师离职行为的发生,从工作需求-资源(JD-R)理 论模型的视角出发,运用CMA2.0 定量分析工具,针对49 篇关于幼儿园教师工作特征与离职倾向的实证研究数据进行Meta 分 析操作,从而科学建构并验证幼儿园教师离职倾向的JD-R 模型,以期从工作需求、工作资源、损耗因素与激励因素等内部维度 探索减轻我国幼儿园教师离职倾向的实践策略。
      The construction of a good teaching team is an important project to ensure the quality of preschool education in China,and the high turnover rate of kindergarten teachers in various places reflects the problems of poor stability,low structure and weak connection of the current preschool teaching team. In order to prevent and reduce the occurrence of kindergarten teachers’turnover behavior, the author uses the CMA2.0 quantitative analysis tool from the perspective of the job demand-resource (JD-R) theoretical model to analyze 49 articles on job characteristics and turnover intention of kindergarten teachers. Meta-analysis was conducted on the empirical research data,so as to scientifically construct and verify the JD-R model of kindergarten teachers’turnover intention,in order to explore practical strategies to reduce the turnover intention of kindergarten teachers in China from the internal dimensions of job demand,work resources,loss factors and incentive factors.
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