程秀兰 ,沈慧敏 ,柏恒 ,易延.陕西省3-6 岁幼儿体质健康状况与对策分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(3):30-38
陕西省3-6 岁幼儿体质健康状况与对策分析
Analysis on the Physical Health Status of 3-6 Years Old Children in ShaanxiProvince and the Countermeasures
投稿时间:2021-12-04  修订日期:2021-12-10
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 03. 005
中文关键词: 幼儿,体质健康,身体素质
英文关键词: children  physical health  physical fitness
基金项目:2018 年陕西省教育厅科学研究重点科研计划项目(18JZ017)
程秀兰 ,沈慧敏 ,柏恒 ,易延 (1. 陕西师范大学教育学部陕西西安7100622. 北京睿莱教育科技有限公司北京102488) 
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 557
      运用国民体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)对陕西省2169 名3-6 岁幼儿体质进行测试和研究,结果发现:3-6 岁幼儿身体素 质随年龄增长而提高,各项体测指标增幅存在差异,性别差异随幼儿年龄增加而愈发凸显,男幼儿在身体肌肉力量、身体爆发 力和5 岁前灵敏素质上表现优于女幼儿,女幼儿柔韧性优于男幼儿,5.5 岁、6 岁的灵敏性优于男幼儿。为进一步促进幼儿体质 健康发展,提高国民体质,我们应厘清幼儿体质发展内涵,在遵循幼儿体质发展规律的基础上,增设体育活动家庭作业,落实幼 儿运动处方,敦促家庭、幼儿园、政府形成合力共促幼儿体质健康发展。
      The physical fitness of 2169 children aged 3-6 in Shaanxi Province was tested and studied by using the National Fitness Standards Manual(Children Part). The results showed that the physical fitness of children aged 3-6 increased with age,and there were differences in the growth rate of various physical test indicators. Gender differences become more prominent with the increase of children’s age. Male children are better than female children in physical muscle strength,physical explosiveness and agility before the age of 5,and female children’s flexibility is better than that of male children,5.5 years old and 6 years old female children’s agility is better than male toddlers. In order to further promote the healthy development of children’s physical fitness and improve the national fitness,it’s necessary to clarify the connotation of children’s physical development,add sports homework,implement children’s ex⁃ ercise prescriptions on the basis of following the laws of children’s physical development,and urge families,kindergartens,and the government to form a joint effort to promote healthy development of infant physique.
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