Children’s Understanding of Counterfactual Emotions in Others— Evidence from Traditional Experiment and Eye Movement Experiment
投稿时间:2021-11-22  修订日期:2021-11-30
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 02. 012
中文关键词: 幼儿  反事实情绪  心理理论  眼动
英文关键词: children  counterfactual emotion  theory of mind  eye movement
李菲蓉,陈友庆,郭翔,王哲 (1. 天府新区航空旅游职业学院马克思主义学院四川眉山6200102. 河海大学公共管理学院江苏南京210098 3. 合肥幼儿师范高等专科学校学前系安徽合肥230011) 
摘要点击次数: 689
全文下载次数: 744
      :采用传统研究方法和眼动技术的结合,探讨4-5 岁幼儿对他人反事实情绪的理解情况。给幼儿讲述一个情绪故事,并在 电脑屏幕上依次呈现与故事情景一致的图片,然后提问并让幼儿口头回答,同时记录其眼动特点。结果发现:1)4-5 岁幼儿在 他人反事实情绪理解中的发展水平是一致的;2)5 岁幼儿对庆幸情绪的理解好于对后悔情绪的理解;3)不同的故事情境不会 影响幼儿对故事角色面部表情的注视情况,高理解水平与低理解水平的人在不同的反事实情绪理解故事中均不存在显著差 异,这说明在眼动注视特点上他们情况的一致性。研究结论:4-5 岁幼儿开始能够理解他人反事实情绪,眼动特点可以在理解 水平上做出一定解释。
      Using a combination of traditional research methods and eye movement techniques,this study explored how 4- 5 year old children understand others’counterfactual emotions. In the experiment,researchers told children an emotional story,presented pictures that fit the story on the computer screen in certain order,and then asked them to talk orally,and at the same time,researchers tried to record the characteristics of their eye movements. The results showed that : 1)children of 4-5 years old have the same level of development in the understanding of others’counterfactual emotions; 2)5-year-old children have a better understanding of the emotion of happiness than the emotion of regret; 3)different story situations do not affect children’s fixation on the facial expressions of the story characters,and there is no significant difference showed in different counterfactual emotional understanding of the story between different levels of understanding,which indicated that they have the same situation in the characteristics of eye movement fixation. Theconclusion of this study is that 4-5 year old children begin to understand other people’s counterfactual emotions,and the characteristics of eye movement can be explained to some extent at the level of understanding.
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