The Rethinking of the Relationship between Young Children’s Play andTeaching in the Perspective of Deep Learning
投稿时间:2021-12-09  修订日期:2021-12-14
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 02. 004
中文关键词: 深度学习  游戏与教学  学前教育质量
英文关键词: deep learning  play and teaching  quality of preschool education
基金项目:江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划2020 年度课题(C-b/2020/02/71)
方晨瑶 (扬州大学教育科学学院江苏扬州225002) 
摘要点击次数: 825
全文下载次数: 1302
      游戏与教学是影响幼儿学习质量的有意义活动,为提升学前教育质量,有必要以深度学习的视角探讨游戏与教学的关 系。从深度学习视野出发,当前存在对游戏与教学的关系认识不当的问题:1.重教学轻游戏,幼儿学习主体性缺失;2.片面反 对教学,游戏缺乏深度;3.游戏与教学强行“拼盘”,忽视幼儿学习特征。为促进幼儿深度学习,需要正确认识游戏与教学对于 幼儿发展的作用,重省游戏与教学的关系:1.重视游戏对于幼儿深度学习的价值;2.正确认识教学,以“教”促“学”;3“. 高质量” 教学依赖学习的游戏性取向;4.多重形式的教学引发“高质量”游戏。
      Play and teaching are meaningful activities that affect the quality of young children’s learning. In order to improve the quali⁃ ty of preschool education,it is necessary to explore the relationship between play and teaching from the perspective of deep learning. From the perspective of deep learning,there are currently inappropriate understanding of the relationship between play and teaching: 1. emphasis on teaching rather than play,and the lack of subjectivity of children’s learning; 2. one-sided opposition to teaching,and the lack of depth of play; 3. forcibly assorted play and teaching,ignoring the characteristics of children’s learning. In order to promote children’s deep learning,we need correctly understand the role of play and teaching for children’s development and rethink the rela⁃ tionship between play and teaching: 1. attach importance to the value of play to the deep learning of children; 2. correctly understand teaching,and promote“learning”by“teaching”; 3.“high-quality”teaching relies on the playful orientation of learning; 4. multiple forms of teaching trigger“high-quality”play.
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