丁骞,宋占美,袁小龙.农村婴幼儿家庭亲子互动质量及影响因素研究——基于90 个家庭的观察评估[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(9):1-6
农村婴幼儿家庭亲子互动质量及影响因素研究——基于90 个家庭的观察评估
A Study on Quality and Influencing Factors of Parent-Child Interactionin Rural Infant Families—Based on Observation and Evaluation of 90 Families
投稿时间:2021-06-03  修订日期:2021-08-16
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 09. 001
中文关键词: 农村地区  亲子互动  PICCOLO 量表
英文关键词: rural areas  parent-child interaction  PICCOLO scale
丁骞,宋占美,袁小龙 (1. 山东英才学院学前教育学院山东济南2501042. 温州大学教育学院浙江温州325035 3. 上海师范大学教育学院上海200234) 
摘要点击次数: 845
全文下载次数: 1067
      :0-3 岁婴幼儿阶段,父母是婴幼儿互动的主要参与者,亲子互动质量影响婴幼儿认知、语言、社会性、问题行为及今后学 业水平等多个方面的发展。农村育龄妇女的二孩意愿生育率较高,婴幼儿家庭居多。笔者运用国际较权威的亲子互动质量评 价工具—PICCOLO 对7 个自然村的90 个家庭的亲子互动现状进行观察评估。研究结果表明,农村地区的亲子互动质量水平 较低。多元线性回归分析结果显示,家庭社会经济地位(SES)、是否独生子女对亲子互动质量的影响不具显著性,而婴幼儿特 征(性别、月龄)对亲子互动质量影响显著。基于人力资本理论的视角,政府须有计划地对农村家庭教育开展有效干预措施,家 长也应发挥主观能动性,掌握更多的亲子互动技巧,提升育儿能力。
      At the stage of infants and young children whose age between 0-3,parents are the main participants in the interaction of par⁃ ent-child. The quality of parent-child interaction affects the development of infants and young children’s cognition,language,sociali⁃ ty,problem behaviors,and future academic levels. Rural women of childbearing age have a higher willingness to give birth to a second child,and most families have infants and young children now. This study uses the internationally authoritative tool for evaluating the quality of parent-child interactions-PICCOLO to observe and evaluate the current status of parent-child interactions in 90 families in 7 rural villages. The results of the study indicate that the quality of parent-child interaction in rural areas is low. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that the family Socioeconomic Status(SES)and whether the only child has an impact on the quality of parent-child interaction is not significant,while the characteristics of infants and young children(gender,month age)have a signifi⁃ cant impact on the quality of parent-child interaction. Based on the perspective of Human Capital Theory,the government should car⁃ry out effective and planned interventions of rural family education,and parents also should play their subjective initiative,get more parent-child interaction skills,and improve their parenting capabilities.
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