许冰灵,赵 雪,王建榕.视频工作坊中研训者支持行为及其对幼儿园新教师观察立场的影响[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(8):85-96
The Supportive Behavior of Trainers in the Video Workshop and Its Influenceon the Observation Position of New Kindergarten Teachers
投稿时间:2021-05-14  修订日期:2021-06-11
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 08. 011
中文关键词: 视频工作坊  支持行为  幼儿园新教师  观察
英文关键词: video workshop  supportive behavior  novice teachers  observational level
许冰灵,赵 雪,王建榕 (1.福建幼儿师范高等专科学校福建福州 3500072.福建省福州市鼓楼区教师进修学校福建福州350025) 
摘要点击次数: 702
全文下载次数: 653
      笔者以幼儿园新教师视频工作坊中围绕23个视频开展的研讨为样本,采用混合研究的范式,探索视频工作坊中研训者 支持行为及其对新教师观察立场的影响。研究发现:新教师在视频讨论中主要表现出低水平观察立场,较少主动运用证据解 释幼儿行为,更难以将幼儿行为同教与学的一般性原理相联系;研训者需要反复通过“保持探究立场”类别的支持行为引发新 教师高水平观察立场;其中,“明晰信息”“引导详细阐释”“引导思考讨论”能够显著影响视频工作坊中新教师的低水平观察立 场,“关注证据”“鼓励发言”则能够显著影响高水平观察立场;开放的共同体文化、充分互动的同伴关系有助于激发新教师的高 水平观察立场。在研究发现的基础上,笔者构建了新教师视频工作坊“5R”模型,通过话语赋权和理论赋能,不断推动新教师 在开展反思性实践和实践性反思的循环中实现知能重构,提升观察能力,发展实践性知识和智慧。
      The author takes the discussions conducted around 23 videos in the video workshop for new kindergarten teachers as a sam⁃ ple,and uses the mixed research approach to explore the supportive behavior of trainers in the video workshop and its influence on the observation position of new teachers. The findings are as follows: new teachers mainly show low-level observational stances in video dis⁃ cussions,and seldom use evidence to explain children’s behaviors,and it is more difficult for them to connect children’s behaviors with general principles of teaching and learning; trainers need to repeatedly trigger the new teacher’s high-level observational position through supporting behaviors in the“sustaining an inquiry stance”; among them,“Make Clear”,“Pressing”and“Lifting Up”can sig⁃ nificantly affect novice teachers’low-level observational position while“Pointing to Evidence”and“Distributing Participation”can significantly affect high-level observational position; the open community culture and fully interactive peer relationship can help to in⁃ spire high-level observational position of new teachers. Based on the findings,this study constructs a“5R”model for novice teachers’ video workshop,namely,Record,Report,Re-notice,Renew and Reflection,so as to support novice teachers to improve their obser⁃ vational level in the cycle of reflective practice and practical reflection based on discourse empowerment and theoretical empowerment.
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