程秀兰,李嘉琦,杨 华,游玉琪.学前教育对青少年社会交往能力的影响:家庭教养方式的中介作用[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(8):44-54
The Impact of Preschool Education on Adolescents’Social CommunicationSkills: the Mediating Role of Family Parenting Styles
投稿时间:2021-03-08  修订日期:2021-06-17
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 08. 006
中文关键词: 学前教育  家庭教养方式  青少年社会交往能力  城乡差异
英文关键词: preschool education  parenting style  children’s social communication skills  urban-rural differences
程秀兰,李嘉琦,杨 华,游玉琪 (陕西师范大学教育学部陕西西安710061) 
摘要点击次数: 822
全文下载次数: 565
      学前教育、家庭教养方式的价值性研究以及青少年社会交往能力的研究由来已久。笔者使用中国教育追踪调查(CEPS) 2013-2014年基线数据进行量化研究,结果表明,家庭教养方式在是否接受学前教育和青少年社会交往能力之间有着显著的 中介作用,且在农村地区更为显著;学前教育可得性在城乡之间存在着显著差异等。国家要进一步加强公共教育资源投入,改 善学前教育不平等;加强家园合作,完善学前家长教育;发挥多方力量推进实现留守儿童幼有所伴,增进儿童积极情感。
      The research on the value of preschool education as well as family parenting style,and the study of children’s social behav⁃ ior have a long history,while empirical research to examine the impact of preschool education on family parenting style is quite few in China. The author used the 2013-2014 baseline data of the China Education Tracking Survey(CEPS)to conduct a quantitative study. The results show that 1)family parenting style has a significant intermediary role between the acceptance of preschool education and children’s social behavior,and it is more significant in rural areas; 2)the availability of preschool education is significantly different between urban and rural areas. This study suggests that the government should further strengthen the investment of public educational resources,improve inequality in preschool education,strengthen school-family cooperation,improve preschool parenting education and give full play to the efforts of various parties to promote the realization of companionship for left-behind children and enhance chil⁃ dren’s positive emotions.
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