The Value Pursuit and Practical Path of Children’s Character Education—Based on the Perspective of Virtue Ethics
投稿时间:2021-03-16  修订日期:2021-04-06
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 05. 009
中文关键词: 儿童品格教育  德性  德性伦理学
英文关键词: character  children’s character education  virtue  virtue ethics
李园园,鄢超云 (1.四川师范大学教育科学学院四川成都 610016
2.安康学院教育学院陕西安康 725000) 
摘要点击次数: 772
全文下载次数: 1297
      儿童品格教育是落实立德树人根本任务的重要组成部分。德性伦理学以“德性”为研究主旨,以“人应当成为什么样的 人”为核心议题,以“人应当过什么样的生活”为理论旨归,重视德性的内在价值和实践品性、人的完整性以及生活的公共性,对 儿童品格教育具有重要的借鉴意义。基于“德性伦理学”的视角,儿童品格教育以立足品格的内在价值培育具有实践品性的 “好品格”、成就完整的“好人”、创造共同的“好生活”为价值诉求。为此,品格教育应注重以下四个方面:第一,重塑教师对品格 的价值观念,以弘扬品格的内在价值;第二,立足于实践活动,以彰显品格的实践品性;第三,打破品格教育的时间和空间限制, 以促进儿童的优良品格在不同时间和场域中的完整性;第四,重视公共品格教育,以培育关心集体生活的儿童。
      Children’s character education is an important part of the fulfilment of the fundamental task of fostering character and civic virtue. Since the virtue ethics takes“virtue”as its object of study,and takes the question—“what kind of person one should be?”as its key topic,and takes the question—“what kind of life one should live”as the purport of the theory,it emphasizes the intrinsic val⁃ ue and practical characteristics of virtue,the integrity of human and the publicness of life. Besides it has important reference signifi⁃ cance for children’s character education. Therefore,based on the perspective of virtue ethics,the value pursuit for children’s charac⁃ ter education are as follows: cultivating a“good character”with practical character based on the intrinsic value of character,achieving a complete“good man”and to creating a common“good life”. For this purpose,character education of children should focus on the fol⁃ lowing four aspects: first,reshaping teachers’values of character,so as to advocate the intrinsic value of character; second,basing up⁃ on practical activities,so as to highlight the practical characteristics of character; third,breaking the time and spatial constraints of character education to promote the integrity of children’s good character in different time and space; fourth,attaching importance to public character education,so as to cultivate children with the awareness of collective life.
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