A Study on the Relationship between Parental Empathy and PreschoolChildren’s Sense of Security
投稿时间:2020-11-09  修订日期:2020-12-11
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 02. 006
中文关键词: 幼儿  父母  共情  安全感
英文关键词: preschool children  parents  empathy  sense of security
可佳琦,王艳芝 (河北师范大学家政学院河北石家庄050024) 
摘要点击次数: 1266
全文下载次数: 902
      为了了解父母共情水平与幼儿安全感的现状,探究父母共情水平与幼儿安全感的关系,采用台湾地区学者吴静吉等人 引进并且修改而成的“中文版人际反应指针量表”和洪艳丽编制的“3-6 岁幼儿安全感量表”对随机抽取的河北省400 名幼儿和 幼儿父母进行了测量,最后得到有效问卷371 份(92.75%),所得的数据使用SPSS 23 进行了统计分析。主要发现:1)父母共情 总体水平(M=3.67)和幼儿安全感总体水平(M=3.56)均处于中等偏上水平。2)父母共情水平在父母性别(t=-5.54,P<0.001),幼 儿年级(F=15.33,P<0.001),幼儿是否由祖辈抚养(t=4.81,P<0.001)和幼儿是否为独生子女(F=3.42,P<0.05)上有显著差异; 幼儿安全感水平在幼儿性别(t=-4.19,P<0.001),幼儿是否由祖辈抚养(t=3.82,P<0.001)和幼儿是否为独生子女(F=4.35,P< 0.05)上有显著差异。3)父母共情总体水平与幼儿安全感总体水平之间呈显著的正相关(r=0.153,P<0.01)。基本结论:幼儿父 母共情总体水平越高,幼儿安全感总体水平就越高。因此,提高父母的共情水平是有效增强幼儿安全感的重要途径。
      to understand the current situation of parental empathy level and preschool children’s sense of security,and thus explore their relationship. Methods: in this study,400 randomly-selected preschool children and their parents in Hebei province were measured using the Chinese Version of Interpersonal Response Indicator Scale introduced and modified by Taiwan scholar Wu Jingji et al.,and the Security Scale for Children Aged 3-6 Years compiled by Hong Yanli. Finally,371 valid questionnaires were ob⁃ tained(92.75%). The data obtained were statistically analyzed using SPSS23. Results: 1)the overall level of parental empathy(M = 3.67)and that of children’s security(M =3.56)are both above the average; 2)significant differences were found in parental empathy levels in terms of parental gender(t =-5.54,P <0.001),child age(F =15.33,P <0.001),whether children are raised by their grand⁃ parents(t =4.81,P <0.001)and whether the child is an only child(F =3.42,P <0.05)variables and significant differences were found in the level of preschool children’s sense of security in terms of preschool children’s gender(t =-4.19,P <0.001),whether they are raised by their grandparents(t =3.82,P <0.001)and whether the child is an only child(F =4.35,P <0.05)variables; and 3)there is a significant positive correlation between the overall level of parental empathy and the overall level of preschool children’s security(r = 0.153,P <0.01). Conclusion: the higher the overall level of empathy among parents,the higher the overall level of children’s sense of security. Therefore,improving parents’empathy level is an important way to enhance children's security effectively.
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