童宏亮 ,陆莹.儿童作为“具体人”的学前教育意蕴及其启示[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(12):17-24
The Connotation and Enlightenment of Children as“Concrete Persons”in Preschool Education
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 12. 003
中文关键词: 具体人  学前教育  儿童
英文关键词: concrete person  preschool education  children
童宏亮 ,陆莹 (1. 浙江师范大学教师教育学院浙江金华3210042. 衡阳师范学院教育科学学院湖南衡阳421002 3. 广西科技师范学院教育科学学院广西来宾546199) 
摘要点击次数: 995
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      儿童是人,更是具体的人。纵观具体人的发展历史,其大抵经历了生成、异化、重构、整全、完善等五大阶段,具体表现 为“空洞人”转向“具体人”、“具体人”转向“抽象人”、“抽象人”转向多元“具体人”、多元“具体人”转向两维“具体人”以及两维 “具体人”转向三维“具体人”。可见,“具体人”的发展是一个趋于完整和动态生成的过程,“具体人”的学前教育意蕴理应建立 在“具体人”的内在规定及其嬗变规律上。具体而言,“具体人”的学前教育是契合儿童天性的教育、符合儿童共性的教育、适合 儿童个性的教育。基于此,儿童作为“具体人”对学前教育的启示如下:从种生命维度出发,从新回到身体,激活儿童的生命潜 能;从类生命维度出发,追寻教育理想,唤起美好事物的欲求;从个生命维度出发,回归个人生活,引导个体的自我成长;从三维 一体来看,各美生命之美,锻造充满张力的生命体。
      Children are human beings, and more specifically, concrete persons. Taking a wide view of development history of concrete person, it generally experiences five stages: the generation, alienation, reconstruction, integration and perfection, which embodies in the turning from“empty person”to“concrete person”, from“concrete person”to“abstract person”, from“abstract person”to multiple “concrete person”, from multiple“concrete person”to two-dimensional“concrete person”and from two-dimensional“concrete person” to three-dimensional“concrete person”. It can be seen that the development of“concrete person”is an integral and dynamic process, and the connotation of“concrete person”in preschool education should be based on the intrinsic stipulation of the concept and its transmutation law. To be specific, the preschool education of“concrete person”is the education that accords with the nature of children, the generality of children, and the education that suits children’s personality. Based on this, the enlightenment of children as“concrete person”to preschool education is as follows: starting from the dimension of life as species to the body again, so as to activate the life potential of children; starting from the dimension of life as kind to the pursuit of the ideal of education, so as to arouse the desire for beauti-ful things; starting from the dimension of life to personal life, so as to guide self-growth of the individual; starting from the perspective of three-dimensional unity to the beauty of individual life, so as to forge life tension of the individual.
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