陶金玲, 陆佳静.婴幼儿家庭保教指导需求调查与分析——以南通市为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(11):116-125
Investigation and Analysis on the Needs of Infant Family Care and Education Guidance —A Case Study of Nantong City
投稿时间:2020-08-16  修订日期:2020-10-04
中文关键词: 幼有所育  婴幼儿  家庭保教  指导需求
英文关键词: ensuring people’s access to childcare  infants  family care and education  guidanceneeds
基金项目:国家哲学社会科学基金项目( 18BSH156)
陶金玲, 陆佳静 (南通大学教育科学学院江苏南通 226019) 
摘要点击次数: 1382
全文下载次数: 579
      英国幼儿园虐童治理的法律政策以“更强大、更灵活”为完善目标,以儿童利益最大化、非延迟、多机构协作、共同参与 和保密为基本原则,逐步形成了较为成熟的虐童处理流程,包括识别和报告、评估、共同保护儿童会议以及惩戒四个阶段,细分 为发现迹象、行为质疑、寻求帮助、及时报告、评估、战略会议、儿童保护会议、儿童保护计划、审查会议以及惩戒等10个步骤, 最大限度地降低了儿童伤害,维护了儿童权益,可为我国幼儿园虐童防控机制的建构以及学前教育立法提供有益借鉴。
      In the context of the policy background of “ensuring people’s access to childcare”, the Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the guidance of family care and education for infants and young children. As the first teachers of children, parents not only have an enlightening effect on children, but also have a lifelong influence [1]. But many parents have not gone through the scientific and systematic learning of relevant skills, they lack specialized educational knowledge and accomplishments. In the face of children’s complex growth problems, they are often at a loss, which sets newrequirement for family education guidance work. In this research, by taking thequestionnaire method, the authorexploresthe parents’ family care and education guidance needs of 459 0-3-year-old infants in Nantong area from the current situation, content, mode, teachers and other aspects, which aims to provide suggestions for a better family care and education guidance service system, therefore promoting the harmonious development of infants’ body and mind.
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