杨 佳.幼儿教师视角下的有效园本教研特征——基于扎根理论的个案研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(9):49-57
Features of Effective Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research from the Perspective of Preschool Teachers— A Case Study based on Grounded Theory’
投稿时间:2020-06-16  修订日期:2020-07-06
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 09. 008
中文关键词: 关键词:幼儿教师  园本教研  核心特征
英文关键词: Keywords: Preschool Teachers,Kindergarten-based Teaching Research, Core Features
杨 佳 1.福建幼儿师范高等专科学校福建福州 3500012.台湾台南大学教育学院台湾台南 70005 
摘要点击次数: 1151
全文下载次数: 1131
      摘 要:本研究为个案研究,基于扎根理论研究法,通过访谈12位来自福建省城市与农村的不同教龄的幼儿园园长与教师,探知他们认为有效促进其专业发展的园本教研应具备的核心特征。通过三级编码,67个初始编码,17个子范畴与6个核心范畴被发现,其中,幼儿教师视角下的有效园本教研的核心特征包括:建立共同愿景;支持与共享的领导;实践经验的梳理、分享、学习与运用;强调外部知识的移转;以问题为导向的反思型教研以及提供持续运作的支持。研究发现,园本教研中教与学的权力关系已开始转变;在运用外部知识中矛盾重重;重视结构性支持,忽视关系支持等园本教研现状。最后,研究者提出了针对性的建议。
      Abstract:Twelve preschool teachers were interviewed to explore core features of kindergarten-based teaching research. Nvivo 12 Plus was used for qualitative analysis based on grounded theory. Through three levels of coding, 67 initial codes, 17 subcategories and 6 core categories,six core features were found, including setting up common vision, supportive and sharing leadership, transferring of external knowledge,problem-oriented reflective learning, supportive conditions, and organizing, sharing, learning, applying of practical experience. These are consistent with former researches except transferring of external knowledge. Particularly, power relationship of teaching and learning in kindergarten-based teaching and research has begun to change. Furthermore, preschool teachers attach much importance to structural support than relation support. They also feel difficult while applying external knowledge.
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