The Experience and Dilemma of the Public Development of PreschoolEducation in Korea under the Perspective of Educational Equality
投稿时间:2020-04-26  修订日期:2020-05-08
中文关键词: 教育公平  韩国  学前教育  公共化发展
英文关键词: educational equility  South Korea  early childhood education  development of public education
韩春花,康丽,赵豪剑 (1.广东第二师范学院学前教育学院广东广州5102202.首尔国立大学生活科学学院韩国首尔08826) 
摘要点击次数: 1192
全文下载次数: 1723
      近年来,韩国政府不断推进学前教育公共化服务体系的建设,通过制定《婴幼儿保育法》和《幼儿教育法》明确幼儿入园 的权利,为学前儿童提供无偿保育津贴,通过对弱势群体儿童实施重点保障措施等确保学前教育的入学机会公平;通过推进保 教一体化建设,实施全国统一的“Nuri 课程”,进一步加强学前教师专业化发展,通过践行学前教育义务性认证制度等措施,确保 学前教育过程的公平性。然而,在此过程中出现了新的问题,如实际补贴与预算不符、无偿保育实施过程中的学前教育不公平 现象、教师准入一体化及评价认证中的问题等。借鉴韩国学前教育的经验,我国应不断完善普惠性学前教育公共服务体系建 设;推进学前教育精准扶贫;通过立法保障学前教育的政策规范;进一步完善师资队伍建设和评价体系建设;统筹规划0~6 岁 儿童保教服务体系建设。
      Recently, the Korean government has continuously promoted the construction of the public service system for early childhood education. The aims are ensuring fair access to early childhood education through the enactment of the “Early Childhood Care and Education Policy”, clarifying the rights of young children to enter the kindergarten, providing preschool children with free childcare allowances, and protecting the rights of children from vulnerable groups. Moreover, measures such as constructing the integration of early childhood care and education, implementing the unified curriculum of “Nuri curriculum” the country, strengthening the professional development of preschool teachers, and implementing a preschool education compulsory certification system have been applied to ensure the fairness of the early childhood education. However, it followed new problems in this process as well. For example, there was a discrepancy between the actual subsidies and the budget, new inequities in early childhood education during the implementation of free childcare have arisen,there were new problems in the integration and evaluation of teacher’s access and certification and so on. In order to learn from the Korean lessons of developing its preschool education,China should constantly improve the construction of inclusive preschool education public service system; promote targeted poverty alleviation in preschool education; adopt legislation to ensure the policy norms of preschool education; further improve the construction of teachers and evaluation system; and plan the construction care service system for children aged 0-6 years as a whole.
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