方银叶,张 莉.学前“儿童行为观察”实践教学有效性的现状审视与提升——基于观察渗透理论[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(7):96-103
Review and Improvement of the Effectiveness of Practice Teaching of Preschool “Children’s Behavior Observation”— Based on Theory Laden Observation
投稿时间:2020-02-21  修订日期:2020-03-12
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 07. 016
中文关键词: 关键词:儿童行为观察  实践教学有效性  观察渗透理论
英文关键词: Key words:children behavior observation  effectiveness of practice teaching  theory laden observation theory
方银叶 黔南民族师范学院教育科学学院贵州都匀 558000 
张 莉 西南大学教育学部重庆 400715 
摘要点击次数: 1435
全文下载次数: 2018
      摘 要:观察渗透理论表明,我们在评断或观察一个事件或事物时,总是受到原有经验或理论知识的影响。“儿童行为观察”作为学前师范生的专业基本功和专业发展的起点,在幼儿教育和教师的专业成长中发挥着重要的作用。但在实践教学中却发现效果并不够理想,学生在观察活动中表现出“看不准、释不专、导无方”等问题。本研究试从观察渗透理论视角,提出“儿童行为观察”教学有效性的提升策略。首先,帮助学生觉察已有“成见”,以走向不偏不倚的“看”;其次,引导学生有目的的“储备”理论工具,为实现有理有据的“解”;最后,培养学生多视角分析行为的思维,以生成合理的教育之“导”。
      Abstract:According to theory laden observation theory, when we judge or observe an event or thing, we are always influenced by previous experience or theoretical knowledge. As a basic professional skill and starting point of students majoring in preschool education, “observation of children’s behavior” plays an important role in early childhood education and teachers’ professional development. But the effectiveness of its practice teaching seems poor. In observation activities, problems such as “observation inaccuracy, unprofessional explanation,and unclear direction” exist. Based on theory laden observation theory, this study proposes three strategies to improve the effectiveness of the teaching of “children’s behavior observation”. First, help students to be aware of existing “prejudices”, so as to move towards impartial observation. Second, guide students to reserve theoretical tools for the purpose of rational explanation. Thirdly, cultivate students’ thinking of analyzing behavior from multiple perspectives so as to formulate reasonable educational strategies.
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